Managing resources with a human touch that adds up to the personalization quotient is the main aim of the HR department of any organization. However, we have seen automation taking over the workforce in almost every vertical of the business, be it recruiting, employee-on-boarding, and much more. AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Chatbots have been synonymous with each other. The AI chatbot-driven workforce has been combating cost and efficiency, which is one of the core elements of the modern-day digital transformational strategy.

Human Resources has been pushed to modify the current workforce with better competencies and reduced liabilities due to intelligent automation in the transformative digital plan.

What does HR digitization entail?

The use of data to automate procedures and save time spent on repetitive duties is known as digital HR, or the HR automation. The move from manual to digital processes and the introduction of HR technology trends to the core of HR departments and recruitment firms are the desired outcomes of digital transformation.

The relevance of digitalization rests in creating an automated and data-driven department that will help businesses be more agile. As a result, the industry’s expenses are reduced, and enterprises’ profit margins are increased.

Internal and recruitment procedures can be enhanced with digital HR, resulting in higher employee performance and a better customer experience.
Is the buzz surrounding the digital revolution of human resources justified?
Let’s see if we can figure it out!

According to Gartner, 81% of HR leaders have explored or implemented artificial intelligence (AI) solutions to improve process efficiency within their organizations.

The statistics have reaffirmed the need to use AI-enabled chatbots to automate employee contact. Will such a transition aid in the humanization of Human Resources?

How can chatbots successfully help HR become more human?

Employee interactions in a typical non-automated setting include a mix of in-person conversations, emails, and phone calls. As a result, HR personnel spends a significant portion of their working hours dealing with such inquiries. The manual method and volume of requests put more strain on executives, increasing the risk of errors. Work that is dull and repetitive has a negative impact on motivation, focus, and productivity, leaving little time for innovation and creative ideas. Automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI) advancements can help in this area.

Organizations may use conversational AI for HR to deploy digital HR assistants — intelligent bots that can address a wide range of inquiries in real-time, accurately, and cost-effectively. These bots can be programmed to take users through routine benefit processes, provide updates on employee policies and enterprise-level decisions, and so on.

Thus, the HR department may automate high-frequency employee interactions, resulting in lower costs and online, user-friendly self-service choices that can be accessed from the comfort of one’s own home, at any time, and on any device of one’s choosing.

Users can access the information through digital channels they’re already familiar with, such as Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp, collaboration tools like Microsoft Teams or Slack, or even Alexa and Google Assistant as a chatbot. In addition, advances in AI are making man-machine communications more flexible, friendly, outcome-based, and pleasurable — a far cry from the rigid chatbots that irritated us in the past.

Will this method aid in the resolution of problems?

Yes, it is correct.

It can undoubtedly aid in the speedier and more efficient resolution of issues. The method will aid in the elimination of inefficiencies and can also relieve HR of a significant amount of work in terms of inquiries, scheduling, and so on.

You may always work around the idea of hybrid Agent+AI technology to reduce the risk of inefficiencies and become receptive to incorrect responses. Chatbots can learn from human agents anytime they have a new experience with this technology. When a chatbot encounters a new question or interaction beyond its logical and computational capabilities, a human agent is brought in to help. As a result, chatbots will have a competitive advantage.

[Also Read : Transforming HR Function with Robotic Process Automation]

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Upcoming Future Trends in HR Automation

Until now, we have discussed how chatbots and Conversational AI solutions can create an impact on HR operations with decision-making. But what next? As we delve deeper into the digital transformation of human resources, it’s essential to explore cutting-edge technologies that are reshaping the landscape. One such groundbreaking development is Generative AI, a subset of artificial intelligence that holds immense potential in scaling HR processes to new heights. Using Generative AI in HR operations, businesses can explore a lot more benefits that they are getting now. Let’s look at some of the ways Generative AI can help HR leaders.

  1. Chatbots powered by Generative AI can create interactive and immersive training materials, answer common questions, and guide new hires through company policies and procedures. This not only reduces the burden on HR staff but also enhances the overall onboarding experience.
  2. Generative AI can process and synthesize complex HR data, providing actionable insights that go beyond traditional analytics. For example, it can predict employee turnover, identify talent gaps, and suggest strategies to improve retention rates.
  3. Also, Generative AI can assist in crafting personalized job descriptions, screening resumes, and even conducting initial interviews. This not only accelerates the hiring process but also ensures a consistent and unbiased approach.
  4. Generative AI has made significant advancements in natural language understanding. This means HR chatbots can engage in more natural and context-aware conversations with employees. They can understand nuances, detect emotions, and provide empathetic responses, creating a more human-like interaction

In conclusion, the buzz surrounding the digital revolution in human resources is undeniably justified, and the integration of Generative AI along with the power of automation and AI chatbots is a testament to the continuous evolution of HR technology. By leveraging the power of Generative AI, HR departments can enhance employee engagement, make data-driven decisions, streamline processes, and create a more personalized and efficient HR experience. As we embrace these technological advancements, the future of HR holds the promise of being more human-centric than ever before, all thanks to the synergy between AI and human ingenuity.