For IT agents, doing repetitive tasks can be boring and take up a lot of time, regardless of whether they are entry-level or experienced. These tasks often follow a routine, and that’s where IT support automation comes into play. It makes the service desk processes more organized and saves your company time and effort.

However, it’s not a good idea to automate everything without thinking. You have to be selective about what to automate. That’s why we’ve got some service desk automation ideas to help you enhance your service and reduce mistakes.

In this article, we’re going to give you a big list of these ideas and show you how to use InvGate Service Desk to make them even better.

So, without any more delay, let’s get started!

What is Service Desk Automation?

Service desk systems were created to make life easier and help businesses provide excellent customer service.

Unfortunately, you will hear many customer service agents say, “We’re still stuck dealing with a huge pile of support requests, and simply getting around the system takes up a lot of our time.”

Here, service desk automation can fine-tune the ticketing process and reduce the manual effort. In a nutshell, service desk automation means using technology and methods to make IT support services work better. This usually includes using smart ticket systems, self-service websites, and tools that do tasks automatically. With these IT automation technologies, you can sort and organize support requests, answer common questions automatically, offer self-help options, and manage different tasks and approvals more efficiently.

Top 7 Service Desk Automation Ideas

Now, let’s have a look at some of the service desk automation use cases that we can automate using RPA.

Top 7 Service Desk Automation Ideas

  1. Ticket Routing

    Is your business struggling with the manual distribution of support tickets among agents? Do you often find that support agents end up with tickets that should have gone to someone else?

    If these scenarios sound all too familiar, it’s time to consider an automated service desk. With automated ticket routing, support tickets are directed to the agents best equipped to handle them.

    Automated ticket assignment ensures that each support ticket is in capable hands. For example, technical support issues are assigned to agents with the technical expertise to address them. On the other hand, billing or returns-related tickets are routed to agents who are knowledgeable about return policies and procedures.

  2. Email Management

    Email management can be challenging for IT service desk agents when it comes to filtering, routing, and offering responses to each customer. Here, automation can play a role in filtering and sorting mail into categories. Once these emails are categorized, using RPA bot service desk agents can offer immediate responses to customers. Also, the RPA bot can prioritize mail and schedule its delivery for a specific time.

  3. Alerts and Notifications

    In the quest to automate support services and deliver seamless customer experiences, effective communication is paramount. This is where notifications come into play. Notifications are predefined automated alerts, messages, or responses that are triggered when specific conditions are met. These notifications serve a dual purpose, keeping both support agents and customers well-informed. They are typically dispatched via email or text messages, offering a means to track the progress of a support ticket.

    IT service desk agents can use automation to provide multiple conditions under which they can send and receive email notifications. RPA bots can easily create auto responses on ticket creation, assignment, and response to users.

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  1. Incident Management

    Every customer shares a common desire – to have their issues resolved in a single interaction with a knowledgeable agent. Nevertheless, due to the inherent complexities of certain problems, achieving this ideal isn’t always feasible. There are instances where your support agents may encounter issues that surpass their expertise, knowledge, or authority. In such cases, the ticket needs to be escalated to higher-level representatives.

    Therefore, implementing an automated process for efficient ticket escalation becomes essential.Using service desk automation, agents can establish ticket escalation rules that automate the process of directing major support incidents to the most suitable team members within your operational hierarchy. This ensures that critical issues receive prompt attention from those best equipped to resolve them, enhancing the overall quality of customer support.

  2. Knowledge Base Management

    When it comes to service desk automation, the creation of a self-service knowledge base is undoubtedly one of the most brilliant ideas. This knowledge base serves as a central repository for generating, archiving, and sharing pertinent information with your customers.

    According to a research report, a remarkable 91% of customers would use a knowledge base if it met their needs.

    A well-structured knowledge base can revolutionize your customer service by resolving issues autonomously, reducing ticket volume, and offering a great self-service experience to customers. To improve the customer experience further, you can optimize your knowledge base for keywords. This will help users search for self-help articles or FAQs related to their issues easily.

  3. SLA Tracking and Compliance

    Monitoring Service Level Agreement (SLA) compliance and addressing violations are critical advantages of automated workflows. With automation, you no longer have to wait for tickets to reach critical stages or exceed ideal response times. You can proactively set up alerts based on SLA conditions, ensuring that you maintain complete visibility and control over your IT service desk operations.

    Also, in a busy service desk environment, all tickets are essential, but they may not all require immediate attention. Service desk automation allows you to categorize and prioritize support tickets, providing your IT teams with clear guidance on which tickets need immediate action and which can be handled at a later time.

  4. Password Reset

    It is one of the most common service requests that IT service desk agents receive from users. Leveraging automation in this process enables service desk agents to authenticate user identity automatically by asking multifactor questions and verifying all the details available in this system. Once verification is done, RPA bots can share the link to the changed password. This reduces the time spent on resolving the password reset processes and enhancing user productivity.

Incorporating these service desk automation ideas into your IT support processes can transform your service desk into a well-oiled, efficient machine. Not only will it reduce response times and errors, but it will also improve the overall experience for both IT teams and end-users. As technology continues to advance, embracing IT process automation is the key to staying ahead in the ever-evolving world of IT support.